Changes are listed in reverse chronological order.
March 14, 2025
In addition to fixing a few typos, the following changes were made:
- In the entry on Auschwitz Album, caption of second photo:
Old Version New Version On the ramp, men at the left, women at the right side. A sunny, smoke-free day. On the ramp, women and children lined up next to the train, men on the other side. A sunny, smoke-free day. - In the entry on Birkenau, section on “Propaganda History,” added the words “on Birkenau” to the end of the “Note:” phrase.
- In the entries of Brest and Bronnaya Gora: “village of Bronnaya Gora” rather than “town of Bronnaya Gora”
- In the entry on Thies Christophersen:
Old Version New Version In a brochure first published in Germany in 1973, he related his wartime experiences as a German army officer deployed at Auschwitz. […] After recuperating and undergoing some specialized agricultural training, he was assigned to a research center in German-occupied Ukraine. […] The young second lieutenant supervised about 300 workers, many of them Jewish, of whom 200 were women from the Rajsko Camp, and 100 were men from the nearby Auschwitz-Birkenau Camp. In a brochure first published in Germany in 1973, he related his wartime experiences as a German soldier deployed at Auschwitz. […] After recuperating and undergoing some specialized agricultural training, he was assigned as a special leader to a research center in German-occupied Ukraine. […] The young private supervised about 300 workers, many of them Jewish, of whom 200 were women from the Rajsko Camp, and 100 were men from the nearby Auschwitz-Birkenau Camp. - In the entry on Crystal Night:
Old Version New Version It remains an open question to what degree the Third Reich’s government and their paramilitary groups the SA and the Stosstrupp Hitler, instigated the actions. It remains an open question to what degree the Third Reich’s government and their paramilitary groups, the SA and former members of the Stosstrupp Hitler, instigated the actions. - In the entry on Iosif Doliner, added the missing year: “On 18 August 1942, he was taken from there to Babi Yar, […]”
- In the entry on Bela Fabian: “In an interview given to an Anglo-American official, […]” rather than “U.S. official.”
- In the entry on Flossenbürg: Caption of photos now reading “[…] and with the same large windows visible”, rather than just “and with large windows shown.”
- In the entry on Fort IX: “While the Events Reports by the Einsatzgruppen” rather than just “While the reports by the Einsatzgruppen“
- In the entry on Anne Frank:
Old Version New Version - There are many irreconcilable problems with eight people living in an attic for two years: food, bathing, trash disposal, toilets, etc.
- The text includes many highly mature passages about human sexuality, her own sexual organs, and so on – very unlikely for a 13- or 14-year-old girl.
- There are many irreconcilable problems with eight people living on merely some 500 square feet for two years: privacy, food, bathing, trash disposal, toilets, etc.
- The text includes many highly mature passages about human sexuality, her own sexual organs, and so on – very unlikely for a 13- or 14-year-old girl of that era.
- In the entry on Mietek Grocher: “all six shots of his pistol” rather than “…revolver”
- In the entry on Hitler Order:
Old Version New Version It all resembles the fruitless discussion among medieval scholars of Christian theology as to how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. It all resembles the fruitless discussion among medieval scholars of Christian theology as to how many souls in heaven can fit on the tip of a pin. - In the entry on London Cage:
Old Version New Version After the German Wehrmacht had surrendered, German prisoners of war lost this status, and many were rebranded as “disarmed enemy forces,” […] After the German Wehrmacht had surrendered, many German prisoners of war lost this status and were rebranded as “disarmed enemy forces,” […] - In the entry on Majdanek Trials: “Therefore, it is undeniable that this show trial was orchestrated”, rather than “…carefully orchestrated.”
- In the entry on Maly Trostenets:
Old Version New Version Maly Trostenets (also spelled Trostinets) was a village in the suburbs of Belorussia’s capital Minsk. Maly Trostenets (also spelled Trostinets) is a village now incorporated into Minsk in the south-eastern suburbs of the Belarusian capital. - In the entry on Mass Graves, section on the Soviet Union: “[…] mass executions of dissidents and citizens resisting Bolshevism”, rather than “…resisting forced collectivization.”
- In the entry on Motives, section on “Motives for Holocaust Dogmatism”, subsection on “Ideological Fanaticism”, translation of Latin phrase: “the evildoers’ deeds” rather than “the evil deeds.”
- In the entry on Office of Special Investigations:
Old Version New Version For this, he was disbarred as a lawyer in 2003. For this, he consented in 2003 to his disbarment as a lawyer in Washington D.C. - In the entry on Otto Ohlendorf:
Old Version New Version He answered this question with, “That is possible” – which is absurd, because truck cargo boxes don’t come with windows. He answered this question with, “That is possible” – which is absurd, because windows in gas vans would have been shattered by the victims. - In the entry on David Olère: “artistic license” rather than “poetic license.”
- In the entry on Dov Paisikovic:
Old Version New Version SS Hauptscharführer Moll allegedly came in a white uniform – although no SS man had such a uniform. SS Hauptscharführer Moll allegedly came in a white uniform – although a Hauptscharführer was merely an NCO who could not possess a white officer’s summer coat. In addition, these white uniforms could not be worn while on duty, and they were moreover withdrawn in the spring of 1940, hence did not exist anymore in 1944.
- In the entry on Poland, section “Demography”:
Old Version New Version The provinces in the east, annexed from the Soviet Union in 1921, were lost again, while Poland annexed in the west the German provinces of southern East Prussia, Silesia and eastern Pomerania. The provinces in the east, where Poles were only a minority and which had been annexed from the Soviet Union in 1921, were lost again, while Poland annexed in the west the German provinces of southern East Prussia, Silesia, eastern Pomerania and eastern Brandenburg.
- In the entry on Propaganda:
- Section on Poland:
Old Version New Version Neither of them was forcefully Germanized, ethnically cleansed or killed. Neither of them was forcefully Germanized, ethnically cleansed or killed, but they were forcefully Christianized.
- Section on Soviet Union: entry on “soap production from human fat”: the proper document number is USSR-171 (not 393)
- Section on Poland:
- In the entry on Alfred Rosenberg:
Old Version New Version He went on to study architecture and engineering in Moscow, eventually earning a PhD in early 1918. He went on to study architecture and engineering in Moscow, eventually graduating in early 1918.
- In the entry on Torture: “Eigruber, former Gauleiter of the Upper Danube District,” rather than “…of Austria.”
- In the entry on Shlomo Venezia:
Old Version New Version In addition, the orthodoxy claims that Zyklon B wasn’t thrown on the ground, but rather that it was retrievable via certain Zyklon-B introduction devices. In addition, the orthodoxy claims that Zyklon B wasn’t thrown on the ground, but rather that it was retrievable via certain Zyklon-B introduction devices after the alleged murder.
- In the entry on Jankiel Wiernik:
Old Version New Version That is rather unlikely, though, because machine guns are notoriously difficult to aim and make bullets fly all over the place. That is rather unlikely, though, because machine-gun fire is difficult to keep on target, and ricochets would have whizzed around everywhere.
- In the entry on Franz Ziereis:
Old Version New Version Franz Ziereis (13 Aug. 1905 – 24 May 1945), SS Sturmbannführer, […] Franz Ziereis (13 Aug. 1905 – 24 May 1945), at war’s end SS Standartenführer, […]
November 28, 2024
In the entry on Extirpation (Ausrottung, Vernichtung), the following sentence was deleted: “In a 1933 speech, Joseph Goebbels declared that the global conspiracy against Germany ‘would not lead to our destruction (Vernichtung),’ but he never contemplated the mass-murder of Germans.” The original German text actually uses the word “Verderben” rather than Vernichtung.
November 13, 2024
We performed a site-wide check for broken links, and as a result fixed a number of links, plus updated the bibliography to reflect a few new/updated/corrected URLs.
October 14, 2024
- Corrected typos and bad grammar, improved expressions and/or added a few more cross references in a wide range of entries (Ukraine, Vaillant-Couturier, van Roden, Veil, Venezia, Morris, Venezia, Shlomo, Ventilation, Vrba, Wannsee Conference, War Refugee Board Report, Warsaw Ghetto, Warszawski, Wedding Rings, Weiss, Weliczker, Widmann, Wiernik, Witnesses against Mass Murder, Wolff, Wolken, Yad Vashem, Yugoslavia, Zentralsauna, Źłobnicki, Zyklon B, Zyklon-B Introduction Devices).
- Entry on Venezia, Shlomo: a reference to a dedicated paper on this witness was added: Mattogno 2010a, with a related addition to the Bibliography: Mattogno, Carlo 2010a. “‘The Truth about the Gas Chambers’?,” Inconvenient History, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2010, pp. 70-125;
- Entry on Wiernik, Jankiel: A list item was added addressing the transformation of Wiernik’s chlorine-filling flap:
“In his first text, chlorine was poured through a flap in the roof; in later versions of his story, according to which the killing was done with exhaust gas, this chlorine-filling flap, which no longer had any purpose, mutated into a ventilation opening. Such a roof opening is not part of the current orthodox narrative, but was mentioned by two other witnesses who evidently plagiarized Wiernik’stext (see the entries on Abraham Goldfarb and Eliyahu Rosenberg.)”
Furthermore, a mistake regarding the plagiarized Treblinka camp map of the November 1942 report was corrected: the map is included in the English edition of Wiernik’s text, not in the Polish edition (it was probably simply forgotten there, as a reference to it in the text points nowhere.) - Entry on Yad Vashem: three more source references were added, with related additions to the Bibliography: Boisdefeu 2017a; Olodogma; Mattogno 2017a:
- Boisdefeu, Jean-Marie 2017a, “The Bankruptcy of Yad Vashem or How to Reach 6,000,000,” Inconvenient History, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2017, pp. 62-68;
- Mattogno, Carlo 2017a. “Brief Note on ‘The Central Database of Shoah Victims’ Names’ and the Number of Dead Reported therein,” Inconvenient History, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2015, pp. 85-89;
- Olodogma, “‘Magda Goebbels’… in the Yad Vashem Database,” Inconvenient History, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2017, pp. 90-97;
- Entry on Zyklon-B Introduction Devices: The table listing witness claims has two corrections: 1. K. Marcus: “through hole onto net” rather than just “onto net”; 2. M. Nahon: “flask through window,” rather than “bomb through window” (poor translation).
- Bibliography:
- Internet links were added to all papers published in the periodical The Revisionist.
- Page ranges were added to all papers published in the periodical Inconvenient History.
- The following book was updated to a newer edition (and two references to it updated, in the entries on Hungary and Red Cross): Butz, Arthur R. 2024. The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, Historical Review Press, Brighton, UK, 1976; 5th edition, Armeg Ltd., London, 2024.
October 13, 2024
- Corrected typos and bad grammar, improved expressions and added a few more cross references in a wide range of entries (Ravensbrück, Razgonayev, Red Cross, Reder, Refeeding Syndrome, Religion, Resettlement, Rögner, Rosenberg, Eliyahu, Rosenblum, Rosenthal, Rosin, Sachsenhausen, Sackar, Schindler’s List, Schwarz, Sehn, Self-Immolating Bodies, Semlin, Shanghai, Showers, Shrunken Heads, Six Million, Sobibor, Sompolinski, Sonderkommando, Source Criticism, Soviet Union, Special Treatment, Srebrnik, Steyuk, Strawczyński, Stutthof, Swimming Pool, Szmajzner, Tauber, Tesch & Stabenow, Theresienstadt, Tools, Torture, Towels, Transit Camps, Trawniki, Treblinka, Trubakov, Turowski, typhus).
- The entry on Religion received a new list item: Holy Pilgrimages = voluntary visits of millions of individuals as well as compulsory visits by entire school classes and college courses from all over the world to the Holy Sites and Shrines.
- The entry on Resettlement received three new source references, with their sources being listed in the Bibliography:
- Boisdefeu, Jean-Marie 2017b, “Gassed at Treblinka and Deceased in Minsk,” Inconvenient History, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2017, pp. 69-73;
- Heliotis, Panagiotis 2019. “(Many?) Jews Transited through Treblinka,” in: Inconvenient History, Vol. 11. No. 2, 2019, pp. 219-224;
- Heliotis, Panagiotis 2020. “Jews Transited through Belzec & Sobibór,” in: Inconvenient History, Vol. 12. No. 2, 2020, pp. 144-147;
- In the entry on Alfred Rosenberg, a quote from him during the IMT was corrected to reflect the published English IMT translation, and a source reference was added:
Old Version New Version In a “closing statement” written in Nuremberg on 31 August 1946, Rosenberg stated: “The thought of a physical extermination of Slavs and Jews, i.e. the actual genocide, never crossed my mind, let alone that I propagated it in any way. I was of the opinion that the existing Jewish question had to be solved by creating minority rights, emigration or by settling the Jews in a national territory over a period of decades.”
In a “closing statement” written in Nuremberg on 31 August 1946, Rosenberg stated (IMT, Vol. 22, p. 283): “The thought of a physical annihilation of Slavs and Jews, that is to say, the actual murder of entire peoples, has never entered my mind and I most certainly did not advocate it in any way. I was of the opinion that the existing Jewish question would have to be solved by the creation of a minority right, by emigration, or by settling the Jews in a national territory over a ten-year period of time.”
- In the entry on Sachsenhausen, a source reference was updated to Mattogno/Jansson 2024 (2nd ed., instead of the 2022 1st edition, written by Mattogno alone.)
- The entry on Schindler’s List received a major overhaul and expansion to avoid confusion:
Old Version New Version This remark was removed in later editions. Over the years, orthodox historians have pointed out that the story line of both Keneally’s book and Spielberg’s movie are massively distorted. Spielberg openly admitted that he deliberately shot his movie in black and white and created unsteady camera effects to suggest it is a documentary of its time. […]
The fact that Amon Göth was arrested and prosecuted by the SS-internal court system during the war is of course not mentioned in the movie.
(For more details, see Rudolf 2019, pp. 253f.)
This remark, which was not entirely true, was probably a mere legal precaution that was removed in later editions after Spielberg’s film made the book famous. Some of the central characters and places in the novel did, of course, exist, first and foremost the German entrepreneur Oskar Schindler, who had Jewish slave laborers working in his company, and the camp commander Amon Göth as well as the two camps Auschwitz and Płaszow. However, over the years, even orthodox historians have pointed out that the story line of both Keneally’s book and Spielberg’s movie drastically deviates from historical reality. Spielberg openly admitted that he deliberately shot his movie in black and white and created unsteady camera effects to suggest it is a documentary of its time.
The fact that Amon Göth was arrested and prosecuted by the SS-internal court system during the war is of course not mentioned in the movie.
Finally, the glorification of Schindler as the savior of “his” slave laborers misses the point. It is true that many Jews who were deployed to work in subcamps or in companies outside the concentration camps often suffered a milder fate than prisoners who were forced to linger in the large concentration camps themselves. However, the assertion that Jews interned at Auschwitz or Płaszów and their subcamps, whether they were fit for work or not, were at risk of physical extermination, is precisely the fictional aspect of Keneally’s work. However, it is not the product of his own imagination, but that of many witnesses and the orthodox narrative based on it. Without this gruesome yet false background, Keneally’s book and Spielberg’s film would never have been successful.
(For more details, see the entries on Amon Göth, Healthcare, Selections, and Monowitz as well as Rudolf 2019, pp. 253f.)
- The entry on Self-Immolating Bodies received a reference to Yermán et al. 2018.
- Entry on Semlin: The camp’s location is now briefly described.
- Entry on Shrunken Heads: the quote on “pathological phase of the Nazi culture” was corrected (the words “phase of the” were missing).
- Entry on Sobibór: The camp’s location is now briefly described. In addition, a major correction on Łukaszkiewicz’s mendacious method of “writing” history became necessary as shown below. (The Belzec paper published before Łukaszkiewicz’s article on Sobibór in the same issue of the same periodical was authored by Eugeniusz Szrojt, who was more likely influenced by Łukaszkiewicz’s Treblinka article of the previous year than Łukaszkiewicz having been influenced by Szrojt):
Old Version New Version Łukaszkiewicz simply copied the claims for the Belzec Camp, which he had described in a chapter just prior to writing about Sobibór. Łukaszkiewicz simply copied the narrative he had developed for the Treblinka Camp in an article he had published the previous year (see the entry on that camp). - Entry on Srebrnik, Szymon: Deleted the first sentence of the second paragraph, which basically merely repeated what was said before.
- Entry on Swimming Pool: Change in the images’ caption text: The statement “This is German-quality work, as it holds the water to this day” was wishful thinking. In fact, “The pool was restored to its original state in 1987,” which the text says now instead.
- Entry on Tesch & Stabenow: as with the Sachsenhausen entry, a source reference was updated to Mattogno/Jansson 2024 (2nd ed., instead of the 2022 1st edition, written by Mattogno alone.)
- Entry on Theresienstadt: The ghetto’s location is now briefly described.
- Entry on Torture: as with the entry on Dachau Trials: Edward L. van Roden was demoted to a mere Pennsylvania judge.
- Entry on Towels, Soap etc: The last sentence on convergence in a lie was deleted, as it repeated in other words what is said already in the last sentence before the final list.
- Entry on Transit Camps: three more sources are given, the same as for the entry on Resettlement; see above.
- Entry on Treblinka: The camp’s location is now briefly described. In the summary table of witness claims on Treblinka, the first two entries for Abe Kon in the last column were changed from “400 persons/m²” to “400 persons per chamber”. Apologies for the wrong unit given earlier (m²). As with the entry on Sobibór, a correction on Łukaszkiewicz’s mendacious method of “writing” history became necessary as shown below. (Eugeniusz Szrojt’s Belzec paper was published after Łukaszkiewicz’s article on Treblinka):
Old Version New Version Łukaszkiewicz mainly took Wiernik’s later version of the tale, which aligned nicely with the version he had already cobbled together for the Belzec Camp, and dropped all the rest. Łukaszkiewicz basically took Wiernik’s later version of the tale, and dropped all the rest.
October 12, 2024
- Corrected typos and bad grammar, improved expressions and added a few more cross references in a wide range of entries (Majdanek, Majdanek Museum, Majdanek Trials, Mandelbaum, Manusevich, Marcus, Marijampole, Marsalek, Mass Graves, Mauthausen, Mogilev, Monowitz, Mordowicz, Morgen, Morgues, Motives, Müller, Filip, Mussfeld, Nadsari, Nahon, Nebe, Neuengamme, Nordhausen, Nuremberg Military Tribunals, Nyiszli, Obrycki, Ochshorn, OSI, Ohlendorf, Ohrdruf, Oranienburg, Ostrovsky, Packing Density, Paisikovic, Pechersky, Piller, Plan, Pohl, Polevoy, Ponary, Pradel, Pronicheva, Propaganda, Puchała).
- Entry on Marcus, Kurt: one list item (repetitive) was deleted, a second more elaborated upon as follows:
Old Version New Version - Bodies were stacked up in open ditches, drenched with crude oil, and burned – without any firewood, although open-air incinerations of this type require vast amounts of fuel.
- In fact, “no wood needs to be added if average or well-nourished human bodies burn.” However, self-immolating bodies are simply a myth.
- Fat running to the bottom of the pit was scooped up by inmates with iron ladles on long handles, and poured right back onto the burning bodies.
- “No wood needs to be added if average or well-nourished human bodies burn.” However, self-immolating bodies are simply a myth.
- Fat running to the bottom of the pit was scooped up by inmates with iron ladles on long handles, and poured right back onto the burning bodies. However, fat immediately starts to burn vigorously as soon as it comes into contact with fire or embers, so that no amount of fat can accumulate anywhere in a fire that could be scooped up.
- Entry on Monowitz: After translating the impending monograph on that camp (HH series, Vol. 53), we adjusted the description of this camp as follows:
Old Version New Version The camp’s living conditions were harsh, and so were the conditions on the I.G. Farben construction site. Many inmates got sick, and physical abuse by I.G. Farben personnel was widespread. Inmates who became unfit for work were transferred to Birkenau, which increasingly became the holding camp for inmates unfit for work. The living conditions in the Monowitz Camp were often described as much better than those in other camps, particularly Auschwitz Main Camp and Birkenau. Prisoners who fell ill or were injured and required special care, however, were transferred to Birkenau, whose hospital was better equipped than the infirmary in Monowitz. - Entry on Morgen, Konrad: A list item was extended as follows:
Old Version New Version “As soon as death had set in, the ventilators were started.” None of the claimed homicidal gas chambers of these camps are said to have been equipped with fans. “As soon as death had set in, the ventilators were started.” None of the claimed homicidal gas chambers of these camps are said to have been equipped with fans. In the original German, Morgan uses the English term “exhaustor” instead of the German word “Gebläse” or the Germanized term “Ventilator,” which gives away the actual source of his “knowledge.” - Entry on Motives: Section 1 on “Motives for Holocaust Dogmatism” received at the end a reference to a new entry in the Bibliography: Grubach, Paul 2010, “The Non-Jewish Stake in the Holocaust Myth,” Inconvenient History, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2010, pp. 126-155;
- Entry on Nadsari, Marcel: 2018 paper by Heliotis received the new number 2018a due to more papers by him in the Bibliography (see change-log entry for Oct. 10).
- Entry on Natzweiler: The camp’s location is now briefly described.
- Entry on Nebe, Arthur: The last source given in this entry was corrected from 2022 to 2022c.
- Entry on Neuengamme: The source given was updated from Mattogno 2022 (first edition) to Mattogno/Jansson 2024 (2nd ed.); with a parallel update in the Bibliography: Mattogno, Carlo, Friedrich Jansson 2024. The Neuengamme and Sachsenhausen Gas Chambers: With a Focus on British Investigations for the Tesch Trial, 2nd ed., Armreg Ltd, London, 2024.
- Entry on Ohrdruf: The camp’s location is now briefly described.
- Entry on Pohl, Oswald: A repeat reference to a document was deleted, which by mistake was given a wrong date, hence the repetition was initially left unnoticed (26 December 1943 should have been 26. Oct., which was mentioned before, but without the day (now added) (“He repeated this again in a circular to all camp commandants on 26 December 1943: ‘All measures of the commanders have to focus on the health and productivity of the inmates.’”)
October 11, 2024
- Corrected typos and bad grammar, improved expressions and added a few more cross references in a wide range of entries (Berlyant, Davydov, Doliner, International Military Tribunal, International Tracing Service, Iron Blue, Israel, Bruno, Italy, Jäger Report, Jankowski, Janowska Camp, Jasenovac, Kaper, Karasik, Karski, Kharkov, Klooga, Koch, Ilse, Koch, Karl, Korherr, Korn, Kramer, Kranz, Krasnodar, Kraus, Kremer, Kuklia, Kula, Kulka, Langfus, Lengyel, Lequeux, Lettich, Lewental, Lewińska, Lichtenstein, Liebehenschel, Litwinska, Lodz, London Cage, Łukaszkiewicz).
- Jasenovac and Klooga camps: added a phrase each on location of these camps.
- Kraus, Ota: expanded the last quote from “about 400,000 people who were political prisoners.” To “about 400,000 people who were political prisoners, so that the total number of deaths in Brzezinka [Birkenau] amounts to 4,000,000.”
- Added an item to the entry Absurd Claims on biogas usage for homicides.
- In the entry on Lumberjacks, a row was added to the table containing data claimed by Gerhard Adametz for exhumation/cremation near Riga (Rumbula, Bikernieki etc.).
October 10, 2024
- Corrected typos and bad grammar, improved expressions and added a few more cross references in a wide range of entries (Gabai, Dario, Gabai, Yaakov, GÁL, Gyula, Garbarz, Gastight Doors, Gas Vans, Ghettos, Gol, Goldfarb, Göth, Grabner, Greece, Grocher, Grossman, Groundwater Level, Gulba, Gusen, Hähle, Hartheim, Heydrich, Himmler Speeches, Hitler, Hitler Order, Holocaust, H skepticism, Homicidal GCs, Höss, Hungary, HCN).
- The entry on Holocaust Skepticism (Revisionism) has a revised opening text as follows:
Old Version New Version Hermann Göring was the first person to express skepticism about the Holocaust narrative imposed upon the world by the prosecution during the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal (see the entry on him.) While many high-ranking German wartime officials claimed ignorance after the war about a National-Socialist extermination program of the Jews, Hermann Göring was the first person to express skepticism about the Holocaust narrative imposed upon the world by the prosecution during the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal (see the entry on him, and Heliotis 2018b).
- Three more entries in the Bibliography to cover the above-mentioned source, plus two more to be quoted in later, pending revisions (plus the 2018 paper by Heliotis included before [“The Manuscripts of Marcel Nadjari”] received the number 2018a):
- Heliotis, Panagiotis 2018b. “Nobody Denied It Happened?,” in: Inconvenient History, Vol. 10. No. 3, 2018, pp. 337-348;
- Heliotis, Panagiotis 2019. “(Many?) Jews Transited through Treblinka,” in: Inconvenient History, Vol. 11. No. 2, 2019, pp. 219-224;
- Heliotis, Panagiotis 2020. “Jews Transited through Belzec & Sobibór,” in: Inconvenient History, Vol. 12. No. 2, 2020, pp. 144-147;
- Entry on Rudolf Höss: corrected the time of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising from summer 1942 to spring 1943. (That entry will also be corrected once we get to it.)
- The entry on Hydrogen Cyanide, the paragraph starting with “Most witnesses falsely described…” was moved one paragraph down. Furthermore, this entry received additional text passages as follows:
Old Version New Version Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is the active toxic component of the pesticide Zyklon B It has no effect on microbial lifeforms at prescribed levels. It is lethal above certain concentrations to multi-cellular lifeforms, such as insects and mammals. Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is the active toxic component of the pesticide Zyklon B, which has been around since the 1920s (see the entry Zyklon B for details on this product). At room temperature, HCN is a colorless liquid, but it boils already at 25.7°C (78.3°F). It dissolves easily in water and reacts readily with iron salts. HCN has no effect on microbial lifeforms at levels prescribed for disinfestations, hence cannot be used for disinfections. However, it is lethal above certain concentrations to multi-cellular lifeforms, such as insects and mammals.
This is just one piece of evidence that suggests that mass homicidal gassings with hydrogen cyanide never occurred. This is just one piece of evidence that suggests that mass homicidal gassings with hydrogen cyanide never occurred. A common German trivial name for hydrogen cyanide is “Blausäure”, meaning “blue acid.” The name is misleading for two reasons. First, this substance is not blue, but completely colorless, and second, it is only an acid when dissolved in water, but even then only to a very weak degree. The substance was given the name blue in the German-speaking world because hydrogen cyanide was first obtained in Germany through the decomposition of the blue pigment Iron Blue, a compound of oxidized iron (rust) and hydrogen cyanide (see the entry on Iron Blue). The name “blue acid” led some witnesses to claim that they had seen the poison gas as a blue haze, which is evidently untrue. (See for example the entry on Richard Böck.)
October 9, 2024
- Corrected typos and bad grammar, improved expressions and added a few more cross references in a wide range of entries (Censorship, Chamaides, Chasan, Chelmno, Cohen, Compensation, Construction office, Corpse Photos, Cremation Propaganda, Crematoria, Criminal Traces, Czech, Czechowicz, Dachau, Dachau Museum, Dachau Trials, Davydov, Demography, Diesel, Dragon, Edelman, Eichmann, Einsatzgruppen, Eisenschmidt, Euthanasia, Evacuations, from German Camps, Evidence, Explosives, as Murder Weapon, Extirpation, Fabian, Faitelson, Falborski, False-Memory Syndrome, Family Camp, Farber, Farkas, Finkelsztein, First Gassing, Fischer, Horst, Fliamenbaum, Flossenbürg, France, Frank, Anne, Frank, Hans, Frankfurt Auschwitz Show Trial, Fumigation Gas Chamber, Furnace).
- Censorship entry: Corrected timeline of social-media censorship (Vimeo censored prior to YouTube).
- Corrected source reference in entry on Shaul Chasan (Mattogno 2022e, instead of 2021).
- Chelmno entry: added brief intro on location of this camp, and corrected date of first document mentioned (1942 rather than 1943).
- Updated sound file for entry Crematoria to match text; added source to section on Aktion Reinhardt Camps; added a brief explanation on forced-draft devices in section on Gusen.
- Dachau entry: added brief intro on location of this camp.
- Dachau Trials entry: demoted Edward L. van Roden to a mere Pennsylvania judge, and added remark on his retraction
- Demography entry: in table on essential difference between Benz and Sanning, totaled this table’s figures rather than list each author’s overall total (to avoid confusing that the numbers don’t add up).
- Added redirect disinfestation chamber → Fumigation Gas Chamber.
- Entry on Evacuations, from German Camps: text change to clarify:
Old Version New Version Lublin (Majdanek) and Auschwitz were among the first camps to be subjected to this order. In anticipation of future events, many inmates had already been transferred to other camps earlier. However, during the final months of the war, Germany’s infrastructure had mostly collapsed under the relentless carpet-bombing campaign of the Anglo-American bomber fleets.
Initially, this only affected the eastern camps threatened by the Red Army. Lublin (Majdanek) and Auschwitz were among the first camps to be subjected to this order. Some ghettos whose production facilities were classified as essential to the war effort were also evacuated. In anticipation of the Red Army’s advance, many inmates had been transferred already earlier to camps further west. The aim of these transfers was to preserve the inmates’ labor for the German manufacturing industry. Accordingly, manufacturing plants were also relocated wherever possible. This happened, for example, in August 1944 with the inmates and the factories of the Lodz Ghetto. (See this entry.) Such evacuation orders became problematic in the final months of the war, when Germany’s infrastructure had mostly collapsed under the relentless carpet-bombing campaign of the Anglo-American bomber fleets.
- Flossenbürg entry: added brief intro on location of this camp.
- Furnace entry: Added a sentence to the first paragraph: “Then there are disinfestation and disinfection ovens designed to kill pests and germs by using hot air or steam.”
October 8, 2024
- Corrected typos and bad grammar, improved expressions and added a few cross references in a wide range of entries (Aktion 1005, Aktion Reinhardt, Auschwitz, Auschwitz Album, Auschwitz Trials, Austria, Babi Yar, Bach-Zelewski, Bacon, Baltic Countries, Barton, Baum, Becker, Belzec, Belzec Trialm, Bendel, Benroubi, Bergen-Belsen, Białystok, Bimko, Birkenau Blyazer, Böck, British Radio Intercepts, Broad, Brodsky, Bronnaya Gora, Buchenwald, Budnik, Bunkers).
- Auschwitz entry: added phrase on location of this camp.
- Belzec entry: added brief intro on location of this camp; the table listing mass-grave characteristics was adjusted to reflect figures for the corrected maximum death-toll figure claimed for this camp (5 million instead of the previous 3 million).
- Bergen-Belsen entry: added phrase on location of this camp.
- Buchenwald entry: added brief intro on location of this camp.
- Added a redirect: Bikernieki → Rumbula
October 7, 2024
- Added entry Clichés about the Holocaust.
- Added a paragraph to the Introduction pointing to this new entry, and a reference to our Change Log page at the very end.
- Added an item to the entry Absurd Claims on concrete mixers, and fixed errors in the next item on soap.
- Added an entry on Rumbula, a cross-reference to it in the entry on Gerhard Adametz, and added an item to the Bibliography for a source quoted in that new entry (Kues 2012).
- Slight change of wording in the first section of the entry on Air Photos.
August 30, 2024
- Added a source reference to the table of the entry on Lumberjacks, and added that source to the Bibliography.
- Deleted a paragraph in the entry on Chelmno referring to W. Burmeister having been interviewed by the Polish judiciary right after the war, which he wasn’t (related to the correction made on August 22, 2024 for the Burmeister entry; see below).
August 24, 2024
- We added an entry on the concept of “Genocide.”
- We changed the initial text of the section on “Inconsistencies” in the entry on Mass Graves as follows:
previous version current version Note the inconsistent and irreconcilably different times at which the exhumations and cremations of mass graves of claimed German atrocities are said to have begun, although Himmler’s order was allegedly issued in early 1942: [table unchanged] Note also that none of this is based on any documents.
The following table lists the month and year when exhumations and cremations of mass graves of the various claimed German atrocities are said to have started. If Himmler’s order was indeed issued in early 1942, as the orthodoxy claims, then one should expect that exhumations and cremations began shortly afterwards in each of these cases. However, we find widely divergent times instead, which is inconsistent and irreconcilable with a Himmler order. [table unchanged] Note also that none of these claimed beginnings of exhumations and cremations is based on any documents.
- We fixed two typos and an ambivalent expression in the entry on Birkenau.
August 23, 2024
We added the following paragraph to the end of the entry on Richard Böck, plus an additional source reference (Rudolf 2024), which was also added to the Bibliography:
In 1972, Böck was interviewed on behalf of the British Imperial War Museum. In that interview, he not only repeated the story of the blue haze hovering over the corpses, but he moreover insisted that, during their death struggle, the victims had piled themselves up in pyramids. Böck plagiarized this claim from Miklós Nyiszli, whose false tale had been serialized in a prominent German periodical in 1961. (See Rudolf 2024 and the entry on Miklós Nyiszli.)
August 22, 2024
- The entry on Bergen-Belsen, section “Documented History,” received a brief reference to Refeeding Syndrome (see below).
- We corrected the entry on Walter Burmeister, which had the wrong birth date, and erroneously dated one of Burmeister’s interrogations as having taken place at war’s end in Poland, when in fact both interrogations took place in 1961 in West Germany.
- The entry on Monowitz received one more bibliographic reference (see remark on Bibliography below).
- The entry on Open-Air Incinerations has one more very pertinent and exciting source (see remark on Bibliography below), which resulted in several paragraphs being expanded and edited. The essential changes and additions are:
previous version current version Abundant experience with funeral pyres in India, as well as scientifically evaluated experiences during various cattle epidemics, in particular the major hoof-and-mouth epidemic among British livestock in 2001, have led to some relatively reliable data, regarding: Abundant experience with funeral pyres in India, scientifically evaluated experiences during various cattle epidemics – especially the major hoof-and-mouth epidemic among British livestock in 2001 – as well as a dedicated scientific study designed to determine the fuel requirements for the cremation of bodies on open-air pyres, have all led to some relatively reliable data, regarding: Time and Effort
It usually takes at least one day for a large cremation pyre to burn down.
Time and Effort
Single-body cremation pyres take some 6-7 hours to burn down, with an additional 6-7 hours for the hot embers to fully consume the body. Ideally, bodies should not lie next to each other on a pyre, but should be spaced apart, to allow flames and heat to rise between them. Bodies are heat sinks during most of the cremation process. Forming a large layer of bodies interferes with complete combustion. The resulting low fire temperatures beneath the bodies lead to prolonged cremation times and increased fuel requirements.
Under no circumstances should bodies be stacked, since the upper layers of bodies start burning only once the lower layers have been almost completely consumed. Hence, the burning time of any stacked pyre increases proportionately with the number of layers.
Closely packed large-scale livestock pyres usually take at least one day to burn down.
If freshly cut wood is used instead, the amount required easily doubles, due to the high water content of fresh wood. Assuming 250 kg of fresh (green) wood per body is thus realistic. Self-immolating bodies are not part of the scientific literature, as none have ever been discovered during single-body or large-scale cremations. An Australian study of pyre cremations, using dry pine wood, found that one needed five times as much firewood as organic matter (by mass) to achieve (almost) complete “thermal degradation” only if the carcass was small and wood was added continuously. With a large carcass and stacked firewood (without addition), the wood mass requirement grows to nine times that of the carcass mass (Yermán et al.). If freshly cut wood is used instead, the amount required easily doubles, due to the high water content of fresh wood. For the German camps, assuming 250 kg of fresh (green) wood per body is thus a very low, very conservative estimate. A more realistic value is probably twice as high: perhaps 500 kg per body.
Self-immolating bodies are not part of the scientific literature, as none have ever been discovered during single-body or large-scale cremations. In fact, after a series of experiments, Yermán et al. bluntly concluded: “Self-sustained burning of animal carcasses in an open pyre configuration is not possible.”
- We added an entry on Refeeding Syndrome.
- We added an entry on Selections.
- The entry on Standing Upright, Dead Gassing Victims received one more witness (Jankiel Wiernik), whose entry also received a mention of this, his claim.
- The entry on Tools, of Mass Murder received a cross-reference to the table of abandoned murder-weapon claims included in the entry on Homicidal Gas Chambers.
- The Bibliography has three more entries: Hemstreet/Weisz (for Refeeding Syndrome), Mattogno 2024 (on Monowitz), and Yermán et al. (for Open-Air Incinerations)
- We updated a number of audio files which had not been updated in spite of changes to the written contents of their respective entries (Introduction, Belzec, Oskar Gröning, Homicidal Gas Chamber).
July 13, 2024
- We replaced numerous portrait photos of individuals with higher-quality versions, some of them improved using AI technologies. We also removed a few portraits completely where the copyright situation was unclear.
- The entry on Belzec, section Death-Toll Propaganda, received one more entry about Stefan Szende’s 5-million claim.
- The table on once claimed, but now abandoned execution methods in the entry on Homicidal Gas Chamber received a few more entries for each camp (except Majdanek).
April 13, 2024
After completely recovering and editing all contributions to CODOH’s quarterly journal Inconvenient History (IH), plus recovering all volumes, issues and articles of it’s predecessor The Revisionist, and of The Journal of Historical Review, plus adding all other items back to the CODOH library that are listed in the Holocaust Encyclopedia‘s bibliography but had been part of the site (a domain name we lost control over), we can now report that all links contained in the Encyclopedia to resources under our control are up to date and reaching the intended target. Should you still encounter errors, please report them to us, so we can fix them.
This unpaid(!) Herculean recovery effort took our volunteers Germar Rudolf plus his back-up-data-extraction helper “Black Falcon” two months of incessant database and editing work to complete. Please consider their efforts when contemplating making a donation or buying a signed book from Germar on his website
For documentation purpose, below is posted a list with all old, dysfunctional links (left column), and their replacement (right column). This list does not include links to the website, as there, the old links are on an automatic redirected to the new URL, hence they are still functional.
March 29, 2024
We accidentally posted a second portrait of Shlomo Venezia in the entry for David Olère. We replaced it with an actual image showing Olère standing in front of one of his paintings. Apologies for this mistake.
February 17, 2024
We fixed a few typos and added a paragraph to our Introduction at the end of the section headlined “Why an Encyclopedia on the Holocaust Matters,” saying:
The next chapter will analyze in detail two other, older encyclopedias on the Holocaust which are considered trail-blazing by many mainstream scholars. If statistical data seem boring or irrelevant, the reader is invited to simply skip to the next chapter titled “A Respectable Encyclopedia.”
January 29, 2024
The website Holocaust Handbooks was restructured, and in the process, all links to their books and video documentaries have changed. While they have automatic redirects from the old to the new links, we took the opportunity to update all links in our Encyclopedia’s Bibliography.
The same will have to be done with links going to articles of The Journal of Historical Review, The Revisionist, Inconvenient History (IH) and the CODOH Library, as well as with two links going to Both the IH and the CODOH site are currently down (hence no link here), as they are receiving a general overhaul. The domain name may be lost for good, hence we will have to repost the one article referred to. Once all these sites or papers are back up, and the new links are known, we will update the Encyclopedia’s links as well. In the meantime, all we can do is to apologize for any links resulting in mere error messages of web pages not found.
January 5, 2024
We added a redirect for the term “farmhouses, makeshift gas chambers at Birkenau” pointing to the entry on Bunkers: farmhouses, makeshift gas chambers at Birkenau → Bunkers
January 3, 2024
A sequence in the entry on Gröning, Oskar, was revised as follows:
Old Version | New Version (new text underlined) |
In fact, the latter were probably blazing at their highest intensity when Gröning arrived in late September 1942. This must have left quite an impression on the young man. | In fact, the latter were probably blazing at their highest intensity when Gröning arrived in late September 1942. However, these pyres did not burn gas-chamber victims, as the orthodoxy claims, but thousands of victims of the raging typhus epidemic that had gotten out of control in the summer of 1942. (See the entry on Birkenau, and the section on Auschwitz in the entry on mass graves.) These fires left quite an impression on the young man. |
We added two brief entries on the two individuals who took the photographs that were later assembled into what came to be kn own as The Auschwitz Album, on the arrival and processing of Jews deported from Hungary to Auschwitz in the summer of 1944: Hofmann, Ernst and Walter, Bernhard.
We furthermore added a redirect for the term “Haavara” pointing to the entry on Emigration: Haavara Agreement → Emigration