Minimum of £0.30
and maximum of £10,000.
Monthly Recurring Donation
in multiples of £5/month
Enter the multiple on the next screen.
If you are already convinced that supporting us financially is a good idea, please go ahead and use the buttons provided on the right to place your donation. It can be either a one-time donation (first option) or a recurring donation (the second option below). The latter comes in increments of £5 (some $6). How many times this amount you would like to donate on a monthly basis has to be entered on the next screen, together with your payment details.
If you are still unsure whether you want to help us out, or are looking for other ways to assist, please feel free to read our fund-raising essay below.
Thank you in advance for your kind and generous consideration!
Something Earth-shattering is Happening
When we submitted the beta version of our Encyclopedia to various individuals for testing, proofing and peer review, we received unexpected feedback: they loved it so much that they couldn’t stop reading it cover to cover. Encyclopedias are usually bought by libraries as reference books collecting dust on their shelves, or by individuals who want to adorn their living room with an impressive-looking series of books making them look educated and informed. But no one ever reads an encyclopedia cover to cover. That simply doesn’t happen.
This Encyclopedia is different. Very different. It doesn’t contain the kind of information everyone expects, and everyone kind of knows or pretends to know already anyhow. It contains so much unheard-of and mesmerizing information that people just can’t stop reading it. Here you find all the things that are normally censored in the public space, and constrained at best to closed circles discussing these taboos behind closed doors. Now it’s all out in the open, and the masses start flocking to it.
Free Information and Education Is Important
With Wikipedia setting the standard, nowadays basically all encyclopedias, dictionaries and thesauruses are available for free online. While that is a good thing for the consumer, it poses challenges for those running these services. However, free information and education is paramount, especially when it comes to information which the Powers That Be want to withhold from us. Therefore, we will never charge you anything to get to our crucial information.
We Deserve Your Support
Our project is special, unique, irreplaceable, and at the very top of what irritates the politically correct and kosher establishment. But most of all, we’re not done. We’ve only just begun, and are now gaining speed and momentum.
- Currently, we only have a cheap Google auto-translate feature producing instant translations of our encyclic entries into many languages – of at times rather questionable quality. We strive to improve that by having a paid service of getting saved neural-net translations, edited by native language speakers, featuring the most-common European languages, but also Arabic, Farsi (Persian), Japanese and others. This way, we can reach the whole world. This service comes with a monthly subscription fee. Hence, consider enabling us by placing a recurring donation. In addition, while such translations are really good, they are not always perfect. Hence, we need reliable native-language editors/proofers who compare an entry’s translation with the English original, and fix any (usually rare) issues. If you want to help us with this, please use the Contact Us page to get in touch.
- Furthermore, we would like to reach out by placing paid advertisements on social media platforms that allow us to do this. This, too, comes with a monthly subscription fee. Hence, consider enabling us by placing a recurring donation for this project.
- And then, there is our big, next project that will dwarf this one. We won’t disclose anything about it yet. It’s currently on the drawing board, and we most certainly will not tell the eternal enemy of free speech where our next partisan attack in our struggle for liberty and justice will occur. Just stay tuned… Only, it won’t materialize, unless we have your support!
Help with Research and Writing
There are always more entries that could be included in our encyclopedia. We know there are more witnesses who have made depositions stored away in various archives, probably with features similar to the many testimonies summarized in this work. These anecdotes are waiting, begging to be subjected to proper source criticism, and the results need to be published. We also know that there are scholars out there who itch to do such work, or at least help us get our hands on that source material, so this work can be done professionally. If you are one of them, please get in touch.
Furthermore, we would love to see detailed, skeptical movie reviews – in text or movie format – of all major documentaries ever made on the Holocaust, and also of the major fiction movies (see here for a list: These movies and documentaries have a huge psychological impact on the watching masses. They need to be analyzed, and, where appropriate, exposed for what they are.
While this Encyclopedia is not the place to publish full media reviews or major papers on testimonial source criticism, we can summarize them and point to the place where the full papers or the scrutinizing documentaries appeared. We recommend the periodical Inconvenient History ( for such papers (or documentaries), as this is their main focus. Once published, we can summarize the highlights here, and reach a bigger audience with this information.
Minimum of £0.30
and maximum of £10,000.
Monthly Recurring Donation
in multiples of £5/month
Enter the multiple on the next screen.
While we have a few scholars capable of doing this work, we are always looking for newcomers who want to help us doing the heavy lifting of creating hard-hitting source criticism. Please feel free to get in touch, if you consider helping out.
Chip in to Cover Our Costs
Maintaining, improving and expanding this free multi-lingual information service costs money. If Wikipedia can harass their visitors on a regular basis for donations, so should we. Wikipedia was meant to be platform where all relevant information is shared. But that is no longer the case. We expose the kind of information that Wikipedia suppresses with their sponsors’ assistance.
Hence, please help us cover our costs for hosting and webmastering. Assist us with paying those who monitor submitted comments, and who strive to improve and expand the contents of our Encyclopedia, and make it truly multi-lingual. We also ask you to support us with our (still secret) future grand project to crack open the ring of silence and lies surrounding this topic.
Mirror Our Site
Qualifying organization may clone our Encyclopedia at another domain, provided they agree to keeping its contents up to date with the original, and that any fund raising based on this clone benefits the project, not any third party. If your organization is open to this idea, please get in touch to discuss details.
Thank you in advance for your kind and generous consideration!
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This project “Holocaust Encyclopedia” was proudly sponsored by the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust ( and by Castle Hill Publishers (now defunct). | ![]() |