
Bone Mill

Four witnesses claimed that, at the Janowska Camp near Lviv, a machine was used to grind down bones that were left over from open-air incinerations of corpses, which are said to have been extracted from mass graves of German murder victims. These witnesses are: Heinrich Chamaides, Moische Korn, David Manusevich and Leon Weliczker. Their claim…



Terms Similar to the English term bunker, the German term Bunker can refer to three things: A shelter facility protecting from projectiles, bombs, shrapnel or noxious gases in times of armed conflicts. Bulk-item storage facilities, such as potatoes, coal or coke. The German language even has a verb for this: einbunkern, to store in bulk….


Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless and odorless gas which is highly toxic to vertebrate animals, but not to non-vertebrates such as insects. CO clings more strongly than oxygen to the hemoglobin of vertebra blood, hence preventing oxygen transportation by the blood. Since the combination of CO and hemoglobin is more intensely red than the…


Cremation Propaganda

Imagining one’s body burn is a veritable nightmare for us all. Hence, the cremation of the human body is a prime topic for propaganda stories, because it is easy to make an audience exposed to such stories shudder in horror. For this reason, the cremation of alleged victims of claimed German wartime atrocities is a…



Fire funerals were quite common in ancient times but were banned by the monotheistic religions. Only with increasing population densities, a lack of cemetery space, hygienic concerns, and decreasing influence of religions did cremations make a comeback in the late 1800s. They have been on the rise ever since; see the data prior to World…

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Diesel Exhaust

Diesel-engine exhaust gases are claimed by numerous witnesses – including during the trial against John Demjanjuk in 1987 – to have been used to mass-murder Jews in the camps at Belzec, Sobibór and Treblinka, and in some of the so-called gas vans. However, diesel-engine exhaust gas is notoriously low in its most toxic component, carbon…


Historical Context In Western and Central Europe, and in particular in Poland and Germany, it was well-known since 1918/1919 that the Bolshevists and their Red Army exhibited a savage bestiality during warfare and even in peacetime that was unparalleled in modern history. In addition, the Soviet Union rescinded any agreement of international law that Czarist…



On the day Germany’s armed forces invaded Poland, Hitler signed an order permitting the “mercy killing” of severely mentally disabled persons in what is called Germany’s Euthanasia Program. In charge of the program was Viktor Brack, a high official in the Reich’s Chancellery. The program was also called Aktion T4, an acronym for the Berlin…

Execution Chambers

Witnesses have claimed all kinds of methods allegedly used in certain facilities to mass murder people at German wartime camps. Nowadays, the orthodoxy only reco­gnizes claims as valid which posit the use of toxic gases, hence homicidal gas chambers (see that entry for details). However, during the war and in the immediate postwar years, when…


Exotic Murder Weapons

Many of the commonly claimed murder methods allegedly used during the Holocaust, are exotic in nature by objective standards, but due to incessant exposure to tales about them, we have become calloused as to their peculiar nature, and have accepted them as “normal.” This includes homicidal gas chambers as well as gas vans, which both…


Gas Chamber

A gas chamber is an enclosed space or room to expose items to a chemically active gas in order to achieve certain effects. There are three main types of gas chambers: Training/testing gas chambers: used by military and civilian-defense agencies to test gas-protection equipment and to train personnel in their use. Disinfestation or fumigation gas…

Gas Vans

A gas van is a large-capacity truck or van allegedly used to murder passengers in the enclosed rear cargo hold using engine-exhaust gas. Soviet Gas Vans In the mid-1930s, Isai Davidovich Berg – a Russian Jew and head of the economic department of the NKVD for the Moscow region – had the idea of using…


Homicidal Gas Chamber

U.S. Execution Gas Chambers Between 1924 and 1999, the U.S. states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico and North Carolina have employed hydrogen-cyanide gas in homicidal gas chambers in order to kill persons sentenced to death (capital punishment). For safety reasons of everyone involved – prison warden, technicians and witnesses –…

Lethal Injections

The chemical phenol has been used in the past as a wound and instrument disinfectant in hospitals all over the world. It was also used to this end by the inmate infirmary of the Auschwitz Camp. The camp’s documentation contains several orders of phenol by employees of the infirmary (see Mattogno 2023, Part 1, pp….

Open-Air Incinerations

Fundamentals Funeral fires on ceremonial pyres were common in Europe until the Christian Church banned this practice. In other parts of the world, where the Christian Church had little or no influence, the ritual burning of a deceased person remained quite common, most prominently in India. But even in Europe, burning dead bodies was practiced…

Tools, of Mass Murder

If we take witness statements at face value, then we have to conclude that an astonishingly wide array of murder weapons is said to have been used for the mass murder of victims during the Holocaust. Apart from the obvious ones, such as simple starvation and disease to let people die from neglect, and bullets…

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