

In the context of the Jewish Holocaust of World War II, the camps of interest are those for which claims of mass extermination have been made. Although an argument could be made that the Soviet prisoners held in PoW camps in the temporarily German-occupied Soviet Union were subject to conditions that led to millions of…


Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless and odorless gas which is highly toxic to vertebrate animals, but not to non-vertebrates such as insects. CO clings more strongly than oxygen to the hemoglobin of vertebra blood, hence preventing oxygen transportation by the blood. Since the combination of CO and hemoglobin is more intensely red than the…

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Corporate Censorship As long as plenty of companies compete with each other offering similar services, chances are high that someone will offer these services – even to individuals or groups whose views are rejected by many if not most in a society. However, the situation changes as market shares in a certain market get more…

Chamaides, Heinrich

Heinrich Chamaides was a Jew who claimed to have been forced by German units in 1943 to exhume mass graves near the city of Lviv, and to burn the extracted bodies on pyres within the context of what today’s orthodoxy calls Aktion 1005. In a statement of 21 September 1944 to Soviet investigators, Chamaides claimed…

Chasan, Shaul

Shaul Chasan was one of several Greek Jews deported to Auschwitz in April 1944 who all claimed to have worked at Bunker 2 in Auschwitz-Birkenau, dragging gassing victims from the gas chamber(s) to the cremation pit(s). There are many issues with his testimony: While orthodoxy maintains that Bunker 2 had four chambers of various sizes…



Documented History The Chełmno Camp [German name: Kulmhof] was located some 40 miles northwest of the Polish city of Łódź. Only a few documents about the Chełmno Camp itself seem to have survived the war. The most important of them, dated 11 May 1942, refers to the earlier delivery of iron material to the Chełmno…

Chomka, Władysław

Władysław Chomka was a railroad worker who maintained a track section from Małkinia up to two kilometers from Treblinka Station. Having talked to Jews working at the railway tracks, he claimed to know that “7,000-10,000 people were exterminated every day, but there were days when 30,000 were exterminated.” Using the lowest figure, this yields a…

Christophersen, Thies

Thies Christophersen (27 Jan. 1918 – 13. Feb. 1997) was a German farmer who was put in charge of breeding efforts of a Russian type of dandelion producing a liquid similar to a natural rubber, like caoutchouc. The experiments were conducted at the village of Rajsko near Auschwitz, and inmates of the Auschwitz Camp were…

Chybiński, Stanisław

Stanisław Chybiński was a Polish Auschwitz inmate who escaped from the camp on 20 May 1943, and subsequently wrote a report titled “Pictures of Ausch­witz”, which was submitted during the Polish show trial against former members of the Ausch­witz Camp staff. The report had several copies of blueprints of Crematorium II of Birkenau attached with…

Code Language

Facing an astounding lack of documents supporting the claim that a “Holocaust” was going on, orthodox scholars resort to the auxiliary hypothesis that the National-Socialist bureaucrats used code words when writing their documents. These code words stated one thing, when in fact something entirely different was meant. The 1993 book Nazi Mass Murder is a…

Cohen, Leon

The Greek Jew Leon Cohen was deported to Auschwitz and was registered there on 11 April 1944, although he claimed to have arrived “in late November [1943]”. He claimed to have been assigned to the so-called Sonderkom­man­do, where he was deployed at what today is referred to as “Bunker 2.” He remained silent about his…

Commissars Order

Judging by the scale and scope of civil-rights violations and atrocities committed, the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin was a terrorist state second probably only to Pol Pot’s Cambodia. The primary Soviet organization implementing and enforcing this rule of terror was the terrorist organization NKVD, later renamed to NKGB. Within the Red Army, the…



Israel After it had turned its Arab neighbors into lethal enemies with its genocidal war of 1948, Israel had to maintain huge armed forces to secure its spoils of war and prevent an Arab revenge. These armed forces were utterly disproportionate to Israel’s financial and economic abilities. Hence, within a few years, Israel was in…

Concentration Camps

Concentration camps are prison camps for civilians incarcerated without due process. They were first created by the Spanish during the 1897 Cuban War of Independence. They were employed in subsequent years by the British (Boer War) and Americans (war against the Philippines). Concentration camps made their first appearance in Europe with the 1918 Bolshevik revolution…

Construction Office

Every concentration camp of the Third Reich had a construction office (Bauleitung), which was in charge of building and maintaining the camp and its facilities. During the initial setup of a camp, this office was usually called a “new-construction office” (Neubauleiung). Larger camps (that had subcamps with their own construction offices) had one that organized…

Convergence of Evidence

The “convergence of evidence” is a paradigm based on the observation that seemingly independent pieces of evidence all, or at least in their majority, point in the same general direction of an event or a perpetrator, even if they disagree on particulars. Historically, this paradigm was first applied by the judiciary during medieval witch trials….

Corpse Photos

Bodies of typhus victims at the Bergen-Belsen Camp being pushed by a British bulldozer into a mass grave. To this day, these piles of dead bodies are falsely portrayed as the result of a deliberate German policy of extermination. (Click on image to enlarge.) In the majority, these are victims of an Allied air raid…

Corry, Joe

In 1990, British retiree Joe Corry published a book titled Towards the Dawn about his alleged wartime experiences. In it, he claimed, among other things that he had assassinated a German scientist with a crossbow, watched D-Day from a house on the landing beaches, rescued the nuclear scientist Robert Oppenheimer from Holland, attached limpet mines…


Cremation Propaganda

Imagining one’s body burn is a veritable nightmare for us all. Hence, the cremation of the human body is a prime topic for propaganda stories, because it is easy to make an audience exposed to such stories shudder in horror. For this reason, the cremation of alleged victims of claimed German wartime atrocities is a…



Fire funerals were quite common in ancient times but were banned by the monotheistic religions. Only with increasing population densities, a lack of cemetery space, hygienic concerns, and decreasing influence of religions did cremations make a comeback in the late 1800s. They have been on the rise ever since; see the data prior to World…

Criminal Traces

In preparation for the Polish show trial against former Auschwitz camp commandant Rudolf Höss, Polish engineer Dr. Roman Dawidowski and Polish Investigating Judge Jan Sehn rummaged through the documents left behind by the SS at Auschwitz. They were searching for evidence for the existence and operation of homicidal gas chambers. They found several documents with…

Crystal Night

In October of 1938, the radically anti-Jewish Polish government decided that all Polish Jews living abroad who did not renew their passport in Poland by the end of October of that year would have their citizenship revoked. At that time, tens of thousands of Polish Jews were living in Germany, the majority of them in…

Cykert, Abraham

Abraham Cykert, a Jew from Łódź, Poland, was eventually deported, via the Belzec Transit Camp (according to his own statement), to Auschwitz, and later from there to the Buchenwald Camp. Had Belzec been an extermination camp rather than a transit camp, he would neither have seen Auschwitz or Buchenwald, nor have had any opportunity to…

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