Absurd Claims

Alleged victims, bystanders, and perpetrators have made a seemingly endless list of silly, bizarre, nonsensical, and outrageous assertions about their purported abuse, as part of the orthodox Holocaust narrative. The following is an incomplete list of some of the more ridiculous claims that they have made (where no links are set, see Rudolf 2019, pp….

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Documented History The Bergen-Belsen Camp near the German town of Bergen, some 27 miles north of Hannover, started out in the 1930s as a construction worker’s camp for a nearby military training ground of the German armed forces. After World War Two broke out, the camp was repurposed and expanded as a PoW camp. In…

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The Buchenwald Camp was located some 4 miles northwest of the central-German city of Weimar. No historian has ever claimed or is currently claiming that any kind of systematic extermination of inmates by any technical means occurred at the Buchenwald Camp. Therefore, this camp would not have a place in an encyclopedia on the Holocaust,…


Escapes, from Gas Chamber

Numerous self-declared eyewitnesses of homicidal gas chambers have declared that they miraculously escaped from a gas chamber when they were just about to get gassed. The following individuals made such claims: Regina Bialek (Auschwitz) Arnold Friedman (Auschwitz) Mietek Grocher (Majdanek) Sofia Litwinska (Auschwitz) Filip Müller (Auschwitz) Moshe Peer (Bergen-Belsen) Mary Seidenwurm Wrzos (Majdanek)

Exaggerated Death Tolls

Right after the war, wild numbers of inmates killed at various German wartime camps circulated in the media and among historians, often initiated by unsubstantiated or fraudulent claims, made by witnesses or official “expert reports.” The following table lists several of the better-known German camps. The second column gives the number of victims claimed immediately…


Exotic Murder Weapons

Many of the commonly claimed murder methods allegedly used during the Holocaust, are exotic in nature by objective standards, but due to incessant exposure to tales about them, we have become calloused as to their peculiar nature, and have accepted them as “normal.” This includes homicidal gas chambers as well as gas vans, which both…

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The Flossenbürg Camp in the Bavarian town of the same name was located close to the border to Czechia, some 60 miles east-northeast of Nuremberg. Stephen Pinter, the U.S. chief investigator preparing the prosecution against former staff members of the Flossenbürg Camp after the war, came to the conclusion that no homicidal gas chamber ever…



An extermination camp equipped with homicidal gas chambers was allegedly located in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv (Lemberg in German). On 18 May 1943, the British received a “Memorandum” from Stockholm containing the statements of two Belgian prisoners of war who had escaped from Germany on 28 April and arrived in Sweden on 5…



Mogilev is a city in eastern Belorussia. It was the location of a German PoW transit camp, where many Soviet PoWs were held captive. Due to the high death rate among them, a crematorium with several wood-fired 8-muffle cremation furnaces of the Topf Company from Erfurt, Germany, was slated to be built there. However, that…



On 20 September 1942, the Yiddish-language periodical Oif der Vach (On Guard) published an article titled “The Jews of Warsaw Are Killed in Treblinka.” The author claimed that Jews were being killed by gas or electrocution in three camps: Belzec, Treblinka and, for the Jews from western Belorussia, another one in the vicinity of the…

Self-Immolating Bodies

After several cases were reported where the bodies of deceased individuals had slowly burned to a large degree, investigations into the phenomenon have revealed that, under highly unusual circumstances, large parts of a human body can indeed burn almost to ashes without any fuel. These cases are usually initiated by small fires such as candles…



Fake Showers Many witnesses claimed that deportees slated for homicidal gassings were told by SS men or their helpers that, in order to be admitted to the camp, they needed to have their clothes laundered and disinfested, and they themselves had to take a shower. This, it is frequently claimed, was a deception, so the…


Shrunken Heads, Myth of

At the Buchenwald Camp shortly after its occupation by U.S. American troops in April 1945, the U.S. Armed Forces’ Psychological Warfare Division (PWD) set up a table displaying items meant to prove National-Socialist atrocities. For “educational” purposes, the local population was forced to walk by this table and hear a U.S. official in uniform explain…



Trawniki was a forced-labor camp located half way between the Belzec and Sobibór Camp. It was established in the fall of 1941. Some 20,000 Jewish inmates are said to have passed through this camp. The camp also served as a training facility for SS men, among them Soviet PoWs, most of them Ukrainians, who volunteered…

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