

Madagascar is a large island (almost 600,000 sq km) located off the coast of southeast Africa. Currently it is an independent nation of some 28 million people, but from 1897 through World War Two, it was a colony of France. For at least two centuries prior to the war, German critics of the Jews had…


Documented History The decision to set up a concentration camp for 25,000 to 50,000 inmates in the southeastern suburbs of the southeast-Polish city of Lublin was made on 20 July 1941. It was meant to supply a slave-labor force for Himmler’s ambitious Generalplan Ost aiming at the colonization, development and Germanization of territories in Eastern…

Majdanek Museum

If a museum were to put on display how its own storyline has changed over the decades, the Majdanek Museum would be the most interesting Holocaust-related museum in the world. One massive reduction of the camp’s total death-toll figure chased the previous one, and gas-chamber claim after gas-chamber claim ended up in the dustbins of…

Majdanek Trials

Several trials were orchestrated by both Poland and Germany with a focus on crimes alleged to have been committed at the Majdanek Camp during the war. Soviet-Polish Show Trials The first show trial in Poland was conducted by a mixed staff of Soviet and Polish officials. It was staged at Lublin from 27 November to…

Maly Trostenets

Maly Trostenets (also spelled Trostinets) is a village now incorporated into Minsk in the south-eastern suburbs of the Belarusian capital. Near it is located the so-called Blagovshchina Forest of roughly 2.5 square kilometers in size (one square mile). According to Russian sources of the 2000s, this forest was the execution site of choice for the…

Mandelbaum, Henryk

Henryk Mandelbaum (15 Dec. 1922 – 17 June 2008) was a Polish Jew who was deported to Auschwitz in late April 1944. He claimed to have been assigned to the Sonderkommando in June, and supposedly worked there until January 1945. Mandelbaum was interrogated by Soviet investigators in late February 1945, then again in preparation for…

Mansfeld, Géza

Géza Mansfeld was a professor of medicine from Budapest, who was incarcerated at the Auschwitz Camp until it was conquered by the Soviets on 27 February 1945. Together with three other European professors, and coached by their Soviet captors, he signed an appeal on 4 March 1945 “To the International Public,” which contained many untrue…

Manusevich, David

David Manusevich was a Jew who, from November 1942 to May 1943, was interned in a camp at Brody some 100 km northeast of Lviv. From there, he was sent to Bełżec Camp. He somehow managed to escape, but got arrested again. He ultimately ended up in the Janowska Camp, allegedly to be executed. Instead,…

Marco, Enric

Enric Marco (12 April 1921 – 21 May 2022) once was the president of the Spanish association of former inmates of the Mauthausen Camp, Amical de Mauthausen. Marco had claimed since the late 1970s to have been incarcerated in the German camps of Mauthausen and Flossenbürg during the war. During the 60th anniversary of the…

Marcus, Kurt

A certain Kurt Marcus authored a German essay whose title translates as “Auschwitz–Birkenau. The largest Extermination Camp of the World.” It was introduced into evidence during the Warsaw show trial against Rudolf Höss. No inmate by that exact name is known, although there were two inmates whose last name was spelled with a “k,” but…


Marijampole is a Lithuanian city some 120 km west of Lithuania’s capital Vilnius. According to a German document from 1 September 1941, 5,090 persons were killed there by German Einsatzgruppen units. In the summer of 1996, Marijampole’s city administration decided to erect a Holocaust Memorial on top of the presumed mass graves, whose locations were…


Marsalek, Hans

Johann Karl (aka Hans) Maršálek (19 July 1914 – 9 Dec. 2011) was an Austrian communist of Bohemian descent. He got caught in 1941 organizing acts of sabotage, for which he ended up incarcerated at the Mauthausen Camp. He was deployed there as a clerk, and used his position to organize the camp’s inmate resistance…

Mass Graves

The orthodox Holocaust narrative contains a plethora of claims about mass graves of Jewish victims which are said to have been emptied out later, when the order was allegedly issued to erase the traces of these mass crimes, by exhuming the corpses and burning them using large open-air incinerations. (See the entry for Aktion 1005.)…


On 9 August 1938, a new concentration camp near the Austrian town of Mauthausen some 8 miles east of the city of Linz was established. The camp was mainly populated by political prisoners, later also Soviet PoWs and partisans from south-eastern Europe. The camp served as a reservoir of slave labor for several enterprises, foremost…

Mengele, Josef

Josef Mengele (16 March 1911 – 7 Feb. 1979), SS Hauptsturmführer, had two PhD titles, one in anthropology, and the other in medicine. From mid 1940 to mid 1942, he served as a medical officer behind the front line. Due to serious injuries incurred in mid 1942, he was declared unfit for military duty. After…


Mermelstein, Mel

Melvin Mermelstein (25 Sept. 1926 – 28 Jan. 2022) was a former Auschwitz inmate who tried to take advantage of the Institute for Historical Review (IHR), located in California. This organization had had offered a reward of $50,000 to anyone who could present “provable physical evidence for the extermination of Jews in gas chambers.” Mermelstein…

Metz, Zelda

Zelda Metz was an Jewish inmate of the Sobibór Camp. In a deposition published in a 1946 book, she claimed that executions in that camp happened in one gas chamber with chlorine. The gassing was observed by an SS man through a small window. After the murder, the floors opened, and the bodies were discharged…

Microwave Delousing

The 1936 Berlin Olympic Games were the first event in history which were transmitted live on TV. The powerful radio transmitters built for this had a frequency spectrum that was rather broad, so a minor amount of its energy was emitted in the frequency range now known as microwaves. When this transmitter was operated, it…



Mogilev is a city in eastern Belorussia. It was the location of a German PoW transit camp, where many Soviet PoWs were held captive. Due to the high death rate among them, a crematorium with several wood-fired 8-muffle cremation furnaces of the Topf Company from Erfurt, Germany, was slated to be built there. However, that…

Moll, Otto

Otto Moll (4 March 1915 – 28 May 1946), SS Hauptscharführer at the war’s end, was employed as a gardener at the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp until May 1941. Then he was transferred to Auschwitz, where he served in the same role. According to his own statement during post-war interrogations, he was deployed to excavate mass…


Monowitz is the German spelling of the Polish town Monowice located some 5 km east of the city of Auschwitz. East of that town, the German chemical trust I.G. Farbenindustrie constructed a large chemical plant starting in 1940, which was meant to convert the regional coal into liquified chemicals. The nearby Auschwitz Camp was to…

Mordowicz, Czesław

Czesław Mordowicz (2 Aug. 1919 – 28 Oct. 2001) was a Polish Jew incarcerated at the Auschwitz Camp. He managed to escape on 27 May 1944 together with Arnošt Rosin. They both wrote a report about their alleged experiences at Auschwitz, which was included in the War Refugee Board Report. (For more details, see the…

Morgen, Konrad

Georg Konrad Morgen (8 June 1909 – 4 Feb. 1982), SS Sturmbannführer, was a judge of the SS-internal court system. In that function, he investigated numerous allegations of crimes committed in various concentration camps by members of the SS staff. Morgen testified during the International Military Tribunal (IMT) at Nuremberg and also during the Frankfurt…



Morgues, also called mortuaries, serve to temporarily store human corpses awaiting identification, autopsies and burial or cremation. To slow decay, they are usually chilled to temperatures close to the freezing point, and they are equipped with efficient ventilation systems to remove gases resulting from decomposition. In the context of the Holocaust, it is worthwhile knowing…

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