Źłobnicki, Adam

Adam Źłobnicki was a Pole who has incarcerated at the Auschwitz Camp during the war. When the Polish authorities established the Auschwitz Museum, Źłobnicki was hired as a guard.

When French Holocaust skeptic Robert Faurisson raised serious doubts in 1979/1980 about the authenticity of the alleged homicidal gas chamber inside the old crematorium at the Auschwitz Main Camp, the Auschwitz Museum started collecting witness statements in order to bolster its narrative.

One central issue in this context are the four Zyklon-B introduction shafts present in today’s roof of that building, which are said to have allowed dumping that poisonous product on victims locked in the building’s morgue. Museum officials have always insisted that these opening were added after the war when the building was “reconstructed” to make it look like it allegedly did when it supposedly served as a homicidal gassing facility. They also insist that those new openings added by them were put in the identical place where the old, original holes had been, allegedly once visible in the ceiling as former holes patched up with cement. However, museum authorities had to admit that there is no evidence whatsoever about the condition of this building upon them taking charge of it in 1946, and that no records were kept as to the “reconstruction” of this building either.

In order to shore up their claim that the new introduction holes were put in the place where the old ones had been, which was challenged by disbelievers, they did not interview any of the architects, engineers or workers involved in that “reconstruction,” but interviewed the museum guard Adam Źłobnicki, although he had not involved in those reconstruction efforts. Źłobnicki promptly “confirmed” the museum’s claims and added that little brick chimneys were built around the new holes. This is wrong, however, as the new holes only received some crude wooden boards forming a primitive shaft. Four brick chimneys are located elsewhere on that roof. Two large ones served to ventilate the furnace room since its inception in 1941, and two small ones ventilated the air-raid protection shelters included in that building in 1944. This shows that Źłobnicki mistook what he saw for something else entirely.

That the long-term, loyal museum employee Źłobnicki lied can be seen from two facts:

  1. Traces of any former Zyklon-B introduction holes in the ceiling of the former morgue of the Main Camp’s crematorium would have been the most important material evidence which the Polish authorities could present when preparing their cases against former camp commandant Rudolf Höss and the former members of the Auschwitz Camp’s staff. Huge efforts were made to collect all kinds of material, forensic and documental evidence in preparation for these two trials. Missing among them, however, are any photos or testimonies proving that these traces in the ceiling ever existed. Therefore, we must presume that they did not exist.
  2. The location of today’s holes in the ceiling of what the museum presents as a homicidal gas chamber has been chosen to make them evenly distributed in the room as it exists today. However, that room was only created by the Poles after the war during their “reconstruction,” making a number of mistakes in the process. The original morgue (aka gas chamber) had been converted in 1944 by the Germans into an air-raid shelter by adding a new entrance with a vestibule (air lock), and by adding several sturdy separation walls. When doing their “reconstruction” after the war, the museum did not remove that new entrance with vestibule, and when knocking down the air-raid shelter’s sturdy separation walls, they knocked down one separation wall too many, namely the one which used to separate the morgue from the washroom next door. By so doing, they created a room longer than it was when it served as a morgue, and it became asymmetrical due to the vestibule around the air-raid shelter’s entrance. The arrangement of the new introduction holes reflects both changes: they evenly cover the length of this new room and even accommodate that vestibule. Hence, they were clearly a product of this flawed “reconstruction,” not of a re-opening of traces of old holes.

Źłobnicki lied, and so did and do the Auschwitz Museum officials; they still lie about this to this day. To make matters worse, the original state of this roof was primary evidence to confirm or refute the alleged crime of mass murder by gas. By claiming that they destroyed that evidence without keeping or creating any records of the original state, the museum authorities have admitted that they committed a crime back in 1946/47 during their botched “reconstruction”: tampering with the key evidence of a claimed crime scene of alleged mass murder. Hence, the Auschwitz Museum is a criminal organization, and Źłobnicki was an accomplice in their attempt to hide their crimes. It remains to be seen if any Museum officials will ever be brought to justice.

(For more details, see Mattogno 2020, pp. 15-24.)

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