Rogerie, André

André Rogerie (25 Dec. 1921 – 1 May 2014) was a member of the French resistance who got arrested in July 1943 and sent to various camps. He arrived at Auschwitz on 14 April 1944 via the Majdanek Camp. He remained at the camp until its evacuation on 18 January 1945. Back home he wrote a set of memoirs first published in 1946 and reprinted in 1988, in which he included camp rumors. Here are the relevant points from his terse text:
- The showerheads inside the gas chamber sprayed gas instead of water – although the showerheads were part of real water showers, while the orthodoxy falsely claims they were fake showers not exuding anything, because the poison gas was allegedly introduced through separate (non-existing) Zyklon-B introduction devices.
- The victims’ bodies were cremated in electrical furnaces – when in fact all cremation furnaces were fired with coke.
- The ashes were used to enrich the infertile soil of Germany – while the orthodoxy insists that they were simply dumped into the rivers Sola and Vistula.
Rogerie’s brief account simply repeats clichés learned through the camps’ Chinese-whisper rumor mill. (For more details, see Mattogno 2021, pp. 392f.)
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