Lea, David

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David Lea was a Greek Jew deported to Ausch­witz on 9 May 1943, where he claims to have been assigned to the Son­der­kom­man­do, but on 6 September 1943, he was transferred away from Auschwitz. When he was interviewed in Paris in August 1946, he made disconnected and at times contradictory statements in words that are difficult to comprehend. Where his statements make sense, they frequently contain propaganda clichés, at times about events that supposedly happened when he wasn’t even in the Auschwitz Camp anymore.

When his statement was published in 2016, the editor tried to excuse all this with language barriers between Lea and his interpreter, but also by claiming that Lea must have mixed up his own memory with tales he had heard from others he had been in touch with while residing at the displaced-persons camps near Paris. While it is possible that he declared as his own knowledge what he knew only from hearsay, it is unlikely that he could not distinguish hearsay from his own experiences so shortly after the war. On the other hand, some of his statements leave the distinct impression that he was simply demented rather than confused, which, using Occam’s Razor, seems to be the simplest and thus most likely explanation for his bizarre ramblings. (For more details, see Mattogno 2022e, pp. 132-142.)

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