Behr, Emil

Emil Behr, a former inmate of the Auschwitz Camp, was one of many witnesses ignored by the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial because he could not, or would not, confirm the usual atrocity stories about this camp. Together with the communist self-proclaimed propagandist Bruno Baum and the convicted compulsory liar and fraudster Adolf Rögner, Behr was a member of the Auschwitz Camp’s inmate electricians. Although Behr must have experienced similar things as those other two witnesses, his recollection as recorded in early 1959, more than 15 years after he left Auschwitz, was much more realistic than the outrageous propaganda nonsense that Rögner spread at that time. During his interrogation, Behr stated repeatedly that he could not confirm the atrocities he was asked about, and that he knew about such things, if at all, only from hearsay (cf. Rudolf 2004c, p. 328).
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