Ząbecki, Franciszek

Franciszek Ząbecki was a Polish railway worker employed at Treblinka Station from May 1941 as a rail traffic controller. He was interrogated on 21 December 1945 by Polish judge Zdzisław Łukaszkiewicz. Ząbecki claimed that he managed to salvage some German documents on rail transports to Treblinka, and that he handed them over to Łukaszkiewicz. In…

Zaydel, Matvey

Matvey Zaydel (aka Motle Zaidl), a Jew from Vilnius, Lithuania, was interrogated by a Soviet commission, whose report is undated, but probably dates from 1946. According to this report, Zaydel claimed to have been arrested by German forces in October 1943. From December 1943 until April 1944, he was forced to exhume and burn corpses…

Zentrale Stelle

Under (West) German law, a district attorney’s office can investigate a crime only if either the crime location or the residence of a suspect is located in its area of jurisdiction. Since many claimed National-Socialist crimes were committed outside of Germany, and because the residence of many suspected perpetrators was either unknown, scattered around Germany…

Ziereis, Franz

Franz Ziereis (13 Aug. 1905 – 24 May 1945), at war’s end SS Standartenführer, was the commandant of the Mauthausen Camp from 1939 until the end of the war. He fled on May 3 and tried hiding in his hunting lodge in the Alps, but was discovered there and, when trying to flee, was shot…

Źłobnicki, Adam

Adam Źłobnicki was a Pole who has incarcerated at the Auschwitz Camp during the war. When the Polish authorities established the Auschwitz Museum, Źłobnicki was hired as a guard. When French Holocaust skeptic Robert Faurisson raised serious doubts in 1979/1980 about the authenticity of the alleged homicidal gas chamber inside the old crematorium at the…

Zündel Trials

In 1983, the German immigrant to Canada Ernst Zündel, a confessing admirer of Adolf Hitler, was charged in a Canadian court for knowingly spreading false news about the Holocaust. This offense allegedly had been committed by Zündel when he sold a 1974 brochure contesting the orthodox Holocaust narrative. With the help of a French expert…

Żurawski, Mieczysław

Mieczysław Żurawski was one of only three former inmates of the Chełmno Camp who testified after the war about the alleged events unfolding there. His statement of 31 July 1945 does not contain quite as much information as those of the other two testifying inmates (Szymon Srebrnik and Michał Podchlebnik). Żurawski also testified during the…

Zyklon B

History One of the most efficient methods to fight lice and thereby to contain and eliminate typhus – and to kill other vermin like grain beetles, fleas, cockroaches, termites, mice, rats and many more as well – is their poisoning with highly volatile hydrogen cyanide. Liquid hydrogen cyanide has a short shelf life and is…

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