Fabian, Bela

Bela Fabian was a Hungarian politician deported to Auschwitz, where he was employed in the camp’s records office. He was evacuated to the West at war’s end and managed to escape, reaching American lines. In an interview given to a U.S. official, he testified that, based on his experience with camp records, “up to June…

Faitelson, Alex

Alex Faitelson was a Lithuanian Jew who was incarcerated at Fort IX near Kaunas, Lithuania. This was a 19th-century fortress used by the Soviets and the Germans as a prison. Faitelson claimed to have escaped from this fortress on 25 December 1943. A day later, he signed a declaration together with ten other escapees. In…

Fajgielbaum, Srul

Srul Fajgielbaum was an inmate of the Sobibór Camp. In a deposition of 5 November 1945, he claimed to have been involved in building the (one) gas chamber at Sobibór. The room’s ceiling, floor and walls were allegedly lined with iron plates, and the execution was carried out with electricity “produced inside the chamber by…

Falborski, Bronisław

Bronisław Falborski was a Polish car mechanic who claimed to have repaired a gas van’s exhaust system near the Chełmno Camp. Interrogated by the Polish judiciary on 11 June 1945, Falborski described the van as a converted moving truck, which at the time of his interview was parked at the Ostrowski factory grounds in Koło,…

Farber, Yuri

Yuri Farber was a Jewish PoW in German captivity. A propaganda report by the Soviet terror organization NKGB dated 14 August 1944 about alleged German atrocities in the Ponary District of Lithuania contains a long account of an unnamed Soviet PoW written with the intention to “assist in the crushing defeat of [the] Hitlerite gangs.”…

Farkas, Henry

Henrik Farkas was a Hungarian Jew deported to Auschwitz on 15 June 1944. After the war, he made a deposition which was published in a 1945 collection titled, “Data on the Martyrdom of Hungarian Jewry during the 1941-1945 War.” Farka’s chapter on the “gas chambers” was plagiarized from the 1944 report by Rudolf Vrba and…

Feldhendler, Leon

Leon Feldhendler was an inmate of the Sobibór Camp. In a 1946 book, he is quoted as having testified that, in the sector where he was employed, the living conditions for the Jews were agreeable: “The [Jewish] tradesmen were living very nicely, in their workshops, they had comfortable quarters.” He claimed that the gas chambers…

Felenbaum-Weiss, Hella

Hella Felenbaum-Weiss was an inmate of the Sobibór Camp. In a deposition probably recorded in 1946, she claimed that inmates were gassed using chlorine inside the train during transit on the way to Sobibór. This claim is rejected as false by the orthodoxy, who insists that inmates were gassed only after their arrival at the…

Finkelsztein, Leon

Leon Finkel­sztein was a Polish Jew deported to the Treblinka Camp on 22 July 1942, who escaped during the uprising on 2 August 1943. On 28 December 1945 he was interrogated by Polish judge Łukaszkiewicz. Here are some pertinent claims from his deposition: Deportees were killed in the trains in transit with chlorine sprinkled in…

Fischer, Bruno

Bruno Fischer was a professor of medicine from Prague, who was incarcerated at the Auschwitz Camp until it was conquered by the Soviets on 27 February 1945. Together with three other European professors, and coached by their Soviet conquerors, he signed an appeal on 4 March 1945 “To the International Public,” which contained many untrue…

Fliamenbaum, David

David Fliamenbaum (born 1924) was incarcerated in Auschwitz-Birkenau, where he was encountered by Soviet troops upon their occupation of the area. During an interview conducted on 1 March 1945, he claimed to have witnessed various atrocities. Fliamenbaum claimed to have been made an apprentice in a masons’ school with 600 other boys and young men….


Frank, Anne

Despite her status as perhaps the most famous Holocaust victim, the story of Anne Frank has little direct bearing on the larger Holocaust narrative. In one sense, she was just one more Jewish victim of the evil Nazis. And yet, there is so much controversy around her famous diary that it threatens to expose deeper…

Frankl, Viktor

Viktor Frankl (26 March 1905 – 2 Sept. 1997) was an Austrian Jew and Psychiatrist. In 1942, he and his family were deported to the Theresienstadt Ghetto. On 19 October 1944, he was deported to the Dachau subcamp Kaufering III, where he arrived on 25 October, after a brief layover of three days in the…

Freiberg, Ber

Ber (or Berisch) Freiberg was an inmate of the Sobibór Camp. In three depositions of 10 and 18 August 1944 and 27 July 1945, he claimed that executions at Sobibór happened in just one gas chamber. A gas, perhaps chlorine, was produced by an electric machine, from where the gas was piped into gas tanks…

Friedman, Arnold

Arnold Friedman was arrested during a raid in Slovakia and deported to Auschwitz in the spring of 1944, but survived his stay there. When the Auschwitz Camp was evacuated, Friedman ended up in the Flossenbürg Camp in northeastern Bavaria. Although all historians agree today that this camp had no facilities to mass murder inmates, in…

Fries, Jakob

Jakob Fries was incarcerated at Auschwitz as a “professional criminal.” When he was interrogated after the war in 1959 in preparation of the Frankfurt Auschwitz Show Trial, he was still in prison, serving a 14-year prison term. At Auschwitz, Fries was foreman of all inmate labor units at the Auschwitz Main Camp. As such, his…

Frosch, Chaim

Chaim Frosch, who claims to have been deported to Ausch­witz on 30 April 1942, recorded a rather brief and terse undated account of his alleged experience in that camp, probably shortly after the war, which is now archived at the Yad Vashem Center in Jerusalem. He admitted having knowledge of extermination activities mainly – in…

Gabai, Dario

Dario Gabai (or Gabbai, 2 Sept. 1922 – 25 March 2020) was a Greek Jew deported to Auschwitz in March 1944. Possibly incentivized by his brother’s interview with Israeli historian Gideon Greif a few years earlier (see the entry on Yaakov Gabai), Dario started giving his version of events in numerous media venues, soon after…

Gabai, Yaakov

Yaakov Gabai (or Gabbai, aka Ya’akov, Jaacov, Jacob; born in Athens in 1912) arrived at Ausch­witz from Greece on 11 April 1944. In 1983, he wrote a brief text about his alleged experiences in Auschwitz, almost four decades after the witnessed events, when asked to do so by Erich Kulka. Some ten years later, he…

Gál, Gyula

Gyula Gál was a Hungarian physician who was deported to Auschwitz, where he stayed until the camp was conquered by the Soviets. Not quite two months later, he wrote a report about Auschwitz, which contains the following peculiar statements, among others: The camp’s total death toll was 5 million persons, 3½ million of them Jews,…

Garbarz, Moshé

Moshe Garbarz (born on 28 Dec. 1913) was a Polish Jew who emigrated to France in 1929. He was deported from there to the Auschwitz Camp on 17 July 1942. In 1945, he was evacuated to Buchenwald, where he was liberated by U.S. troops in April. In 1983, an autobiographic book titled Un Survivant (A…

Gertner, Szaja

Szaja Gertner was a Polish Jew who was deported to Ausch­witz from Łódź, Poland, on an unknown date. His testimony was published in a Polish book in 1945. Right after his arrival, he claims to have been assigned to the so-called Sonderkommando. There he claims to have witnessed things that are absurd or demonstrably impossible:…

Glazar, Richard

Richard Glazar (29 Nov. 1920 – 20 Dec. 1997) was a Czech Jew who waited 49 years before having his alleged memories of his stay at the Treblinka Camp published in a book titled Trap with a Green Fence (the German edition, Die Falle mit dem grünen Zaun, appeared in 1992). Although the orthodox narrative…

Gol, Szloma

Szloma Gol was a Jew from Vilnius. On 10 August 1946, he signed an affidavit. He claimed in it that he was part of a team of 80 prisoners who were shackled by the legs. They were then forced to exhume and burn corpses from mass graves near a Vilnius suburb called Ponary from December…

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