Jäger Report

The so-called Jäger Report was presumably authored in early December 1941 by Karl Jäger, then commander of Ein­satz­kom­man­do 3a of Ein­satz­grup­pe A. This unit operated mainly in Lithuania. This document was allegedly discovered by the Soviets in Lithuania after the reconquest of Lithuania by the Red Army in 1944. For inscrutable reasons, they hushed up…

Jäger, Karl

Karl Jäger (20 Sept. 1888 – 22 June 1959) was an SS Standartenführer since 1940. He joined the SS in 1932, and the German Security Service (Sicherheitsdienst) in 1938. Prior to the invasion of the Soviet Union, he became commander of Ein­satz­kom­man­do 3a of Ein­satz­grup­pe A. His unit operated mainly in Lithuania. Jäger is said…

Jankowski, Stanisław

Stanisław Jankowski (23 Oct. 1911 – 20 Sept. 1987) – also known as Alter Fajnzylberg, Alter Feinsilber and Stanisław Kaskowiak – was a Polish Jew incarcerated at the Auschwitz Camp from March 1942 to January 1945. In April 1945, he testified in front of an investigator of a Polish commission, and he also testified during…


Janowska Camp

In mid-October 1941, a camp was set up at Janowska Road in Lviv to house transports of Austrian and Czech Jews deported for resettlement to the east. It was to serve as a transit as well as forced-labor camp, and started operating in November of that year. Its relevance for the Holocaust starts in the…



The Jasenovac Camp in wartime Croatia was established in August 1941 near a village of the same name, some 60 miles southeast of Zagreb, near the border with present-day Bosnia. It was operated by the Croatian wartime regime. It consisted of five separate camps, two of which were short-lived, but the other three – Ciglana,…

Jehova’s Witnesses

Jehovah’s Witnesses are conscientious objectors by principle. Hence, in any country that goes to war and becomes intolerant toward individuals refusing to serve in their armed forces, Jehovah’s Witnesses will get in trouble. In Canada, for example, male Jehovah’s Witnesses refusing to serve in the military were incarcerated in camps during World War II, sometimes…

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