
Homicidal Gas Chamber

U.S. Execution Gas Chambers Between 1924 and 1999, the U.S. states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico and North Carolina have employed hydrogen-cyanide gas in homicidal gas chambers in order to kill persons sentenced to death (capital punishment). For safety reasons of everyone involved – prison warden, technicians and witnesses –…


The growing political influence of the LGTBQ+ movement has led to efforts to publicize the victim-status of homosexuals in National-Socialist Germany, who were said to also be targeted for systematic extermination. Following the general pattern of Holocaust hagiography, the number of homosexuals alleged to have died in National-Socialist concentration camps has been extremely exaggerated over…


Höss, Rudolf

Rudolf Höss (25 Nov. 1901 – 16 April 1947), SS Obersturmbannführer, served at the Dachau Concentration Camp from December 1934 until 1938, then at the Sachsenhausen Camp until May 1940, when he was charged with setting up the new Auschwitz Camp, where he became commandant in October of that year. As head of Office Group…

Hössler, Franz

Franz Hössler (4 Feb. 1906 – 13 Dec. 1945), SS Obersturmführer, started his career at the SS as a cook at the Dachau Camp. He assumed that same role when transferred to Auschwitz in June 1940, then became Labor Service Leader in early 1941 at the Auschwitz Main Camp, and eventually leader of the women’s…

Höttl, Wilhelm

Wilhelm Höttl (19 March 1915 – 27 June 1999), SS Sturmbannführer, was a German official working at the espionage section of the Germany’s Department of Homeland Security during the war (Reichssicherheitshauptamt). At the end of the war and afterwards, he was involved with U.S. intelligence services in various activities. Together with Dieter Wisliceny, Höttl was…


Between 1938 and early 1941, Hungary took control of considerable swaths of territory of its various weak or disintegrating neighboring countries, but lost them all again after the war. With these new territories also came many additional Jews. While Hungary proper had some 400,000 Jews, that number swelled to 725,000 with the new territories, plus…

Hydrogen Cyanide

Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is the active toxic ingredient in the pesticide Zyklon B. It has no effect on microbial lifeforms at prescribed levels. It is lethal above certain concentrations to multi-cellular lifeforms, such as insects and mammals. This chemical blocks a cell’s ability to use oxygen for its metabolism, and hence suffocates it on a…

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