Brest, back then called Brest-Litovsk, is a Belorussian City close to the border to Poland. It belonged to Poland since 1921, but to Belorussia since 1939. After the German invasion of the Soviet Union, a ghetto for Jews was established in that city. According to German wartime documents, altogether almost 9,000 Jews from that ghetto were executed during several operations between July and September 1941.
In mid-October 1942, the ghetto’s population of some 17,000 Jews was evacuated and resettled elsewhere, if we follow the terms used in German wartime documents. However, the orthodoxy insists that these were euphemisms for murder. The Jews were allegedly sent by train some 110 km northeast to the village of Bronnaya Gora, where they were supposedly executed and buried in mass graves. (See the entry on Bronnaya Gora.)
No railway documents about this evacuation have been located so far. Since there are plenty of German wartime documents in many other cases truly and verifiably reporting about relocations, evacuations and resettlement of Jews, the orthodoxy’s claim of the use of “code words” or “camouflage words” is not credible. This is all the more so as the documents in question – Einsatzgruppen reports – mince no words when clearly speaking of executions and liquidations in hundreds of other cases, even with respect to Jews from the Brest Ghetto.
Regarding the mass graves of the almost 9,000 Jews from Brest allegedly killed in 1941, no clean-up activities by any Aktion 1005 are known, in terms of German units erasing traces of their alleged crimes by exhuming and cremating their victims. Hence, these graves should still be there. But no Soviet reports of their discovery are known either.
(See the entry on Bronnaya Gora, as well as Mattogno 2022c, pp. 742-755.)
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